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  Frequently Asked Questions

Where is "Glam R Us" based out of?
Tulsa, OK.
What does "Glam R Us" charge for a show?
Several factors must be taken into consideration before a price can be quoted, such as the show's date, location & travel time & expenses, amount of sound equipment we must provide and setup, etc.
Please contact our booking agent, Jason Northrop (918) 853-8606 to negotiate your event.
How far will "Glam R Us" travel?
As far as the client's budget will take us. We'll play anywhere we can financially make the logistics work.
Does "Glam R Us" play weddings? Reunions? Private Parties? Proms?
Absolultley, Yes! "Glam R Us" is the ideal band for 80's themed parties! If your party is a formal event, we can also dress 80's formal.
Why isn't "Glam R Us" playing at (insert venue here)?
Bands do not get to choose the venues that hire them. Venues choose the bands they hire. (Insert venue here) probably doesn't know who Glam R Us is!
If you would please find out for us whom the person is who's responsible for booking entertainment at (insert venue here) and what's the best way to get in touch with that person at (insert venues here) and please put in a good word for us with that person too, then perhaps Glam R Us could negotiate a show at (insert venue here).
Why doesn't "Glam R Us" play (insert band name or song title here)?
Is your song or artist from the 1980's? Glam R Us plays music only from the 1980's. It's like asking why doesn't the all-80's radio station (like 100.9 in Tulsa) play any Shinedown? ...because they're "all-80's"! Sure, there's plenty of great music outside of the 1980's, we certainly won't argue that. However, Glam R Us is themed and marketed as an exclusive tribute to the 1980's and we stick our theme.
If your song or artist you are asking about IS from the 1980's and we don't play it, bare in mind we try to cover a wide selection of 80's music but we are just three regular guys and we can't learn every single song that was ever recorded in the 1980's nor can we cram and entire decade of music into a 3-hour show. We're forced to be selective about what songs to play.
Is "Glam R Us" wearing wigs?
No! Our hair is real, and all the music is real. No wigs, no pre-recorded tracks, it's all real, and it's all live, which makes Glam R Us the must authentic tribute to 80's Glam Rock!
Are you the same "Glam R Us" I saw 5 years ago?
No. "Glam R Us" is always growing and evolving, adding new visual elements to our shows, new costumes, new songs, new choreography, occasionally new members.